10 Tips to Avoid Gaining Weight

Over a quarter of Americans are obese. With that comes many weight-related health issues.  Here are the  top 10 reasons why America has become a nation of overweight people….avoid them and you can free yourself from our nation’s “fat trap”.

Over a quarter of Americans are obese and with that comes many weight-related health issues.  Here are the  top 10 reasons why America has become a nation of overweight people ….avoid them and you can free yourself from our nation’s “fat trap.”

1. Too Many Processed Foods

They are cheap and convenient, but they are also completely made up of sodium, sugar, chemicals and empty calories.  When your body doesn’t get the nutrients it needs, it will crave more food.

2. Low Intake of Fresh, Whole Foods

They are nutrient dense, and when your body gets the necessary nutrients, you will have fewer cravings.

3. Sedentary Lifestyle

Many people are taking in more calories than they can burn.

4. Supersized Portions

The larger the portion in front of us, the more we tend to eat.

5. Supersized Dishware

Our plates have become larger and larger.  We need more food to fill the plate.  Our perception of portion size is affected by the size of our plates.

6. Advertising and Marketing

Food companies throw a lot of money on processed foods.  Whatever you see advertised on television….don’t eat it!

7. Misinformation and Disinformation

People are confused what to eat.  Unfortunately, the labels and packaging on processed foods are not always telling the whole story.

8. Cost of Food

Processed, mass produced foods made with subsidized crops are cheaper than fresh produce and other sustainably grown whole foods.  High fructose corn syrup and soy are great examples….they are found in most packaged food items we can buy at the store.

9. Time management

Most people are always on the go.  They eat while they are doing other things, and this mindless eating often makes people overeat.  Many people don’t have time to cook and depend on fast food, take out, or dining out….most of the time such foods are loaded with fat, sugar, sodium and hidden calories.

10.  Stress

When we are stressed, our body produces the stress hormone cortisol, which packs a triple whammy.  Cortisol slows metabolism, affects blood sugar levels, increases fat storage, and promotes cravings for fatty, salty and sugary foods.

For more information and support, check out my Health Coaching Program to learn more about avoiding weight gain and Feel Great, Look Great…Naturally!

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